Resources for Kindred Small Groups

Kindred Pentecost Celebration | June 5

Sunday, June 5, 2022, 4:00 PM – 8:00 PM
Evangelical Chinese Church of Seattle — Redmond Campus


The Kindred Small Group Experience

By choosing to take part in a Kindred small group you will engage in meaningful discussions with people from a variety of ethnic and cultural backgrounds and from different home congregations. By acting in this season as one big church, we open a channel of multi-ethnic conversation that has some structure and guidance, but it is up to each group and every component member to shape and define their experience.

This adventure is guaranteed to be messy at times, challenging at times, and uncomfortable at times—for everyone, not just you. Each of us are departing from the safe shore of our familiar congregations and setting sail on a voyage in uncharted waters. The shoals, reefs, rocks, and tricky currents of inter-cultural navigation are tricky. Fortunately, we have a hope that has promised not to disappoint. Our belief is that each of us on this journey already possess the one essential component necessary for success—a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Small Group Study Videos

Week One: The Benefits of a Living Hope

Week Two: A Mentally Tough Holiness

Week Three: A Peculiar People

Week Four: Breaking the Cycle of Ungrace

Week Five: The Hope that is in You

Week Six: Standing in True Grace